Located in the lower Olt Valley, Romania, three hydrocarbon exploration wells revealed a geothermal reservoir within carbonate rocks resting on a crystalline substratum. This faulted and fissured geothermal system, featuring dual porosity, enables convection through hydraulically conductive fractures and a low-permeability porous medium.
The geothermal fluid in this system originates from a mix of:
- Meteoric inputs from a karst massif acting as a vast recharge zone.
- Local supply from the Olt River.
- Lateral supply of highly mineralized water enriched with dissolved methane and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) of microbiological origin.
Geothermal Fluid Characteristics:
- Hydrocarbons: 85%, including 80% methane (CH4)
- Nitrogen: 14%
- CO2: 1%
- H2S: 21%
Physical Properties:
- Density (relative to air): 0.87%
- Humidity Rate: 0.4 Nm³/Nm³ (40%)
- Calorific Value: 28.8 kJ/Nm³ (6,900 kcal/kg)
- Temperature: 95°C
- Static Head Pressure: +6 barg
Geothermal Reservoir Characteristics:
- Transmissivity: 3,500 millidarcys m (mdm)
- Skin: +20 (perforated cemented casing)
- Diagnosis: Low-performing reservoir, with undeveloped well, potentially improved by stimulation.
- Modeling: 3D horizontal multilayer calibrated on well tests (300 hours).
- Simulation Predictions:
- Without stimulation: Depletion of 11 barg at 20 years under 40 m³/hr production.
- Post-acid stimulation: Potential production of 120–150 m³/hr with less than 20–25 barg of drawdown.
Projected Developments and Equipment:
- Current Capacity: 1,500 kWth / 5,500 MWhth
- Future Capacity: 2,500 kWth / 10,000 MWhth
The recovery of methane significantly benefits domestic and collective use, such as heating for hotels and spa guests.
System Improvements:
The existing degassing system has been enhanced with the following innovations:
- Degassing Dome: Limits gas losses, eliminates water carryover, and lowers the outlet temperatures of separated gas.
- Droplet Separator (Demister): Reduces the humidity rate from 40% to below 5%, making the gas suitable for downstream applications.
- Silica Gel Cartridge System: Further drying capacity, reducing the humidity rate to 1%.
- Cooling Module: Meets summer and winter temperature and humidity standards:
- Summer: 32.5°C / 40% Humidity
- Winter: 25.5°C / 40% Humidity
A significant upgrade would involve implementing the treatment chain from the Paris Basin to recover biogas instead of burning it.
- Figure 1: Old degassing system.
- Figure 2: Modified system with improvements.
- Figure 3: Separation, treatment, and combustion chain in the Paris Basin.
The valorization of dissolved methane from the Oltenia geothermal reservoir offers a sustainable energy solution for district and domestic heating. By improving the degassing system and enhancing methane recovery, the project provides a cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuels and contributes to the region’s energy independence.