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Ensure Compliance with Periodic Hydrothermal Monitoring

Stay compliant and optimize geothermal operations with periodic hydrothermal monitoring

Periodic hydrothermal monitoring of the geothermal vent

Periodic hydrothermal monitoring is a regulatory requirement for geothermal operations, ensuring compliance with environmental and mining authority guidelines. Our comprehensive monitoring services provide detailed insights into system performance, well integrity, and corrosion control.

Monitoring Services Include:

1. Loop Parameters:

  • Measurement of pressures and temperatures upstream and downstream of the primary geothermal heat exchanger.
  • Analysis of primary and secondary exchanger flow rates.
  • Balance assessment between primary and secondary exchangers.

2. Control of Well Performance:

  • Evaluation of hydroelectric pumping characteristics, including submerged production electric pumps and injection motor pump groups.
  • Inspection of frequency variators to ensure optimal performance.

3. Integrity Control:

  • Annual verification of the downhole chemical inhibition (TAI) line.
  • Deferred inspection logs for wellheads, casings, and geothermal pipes.

4. Corrosion and Deposit Monitoring:

  • Surface monitoring of corrosion and deposits using witness coupons.
  • Quarterly assessment of chemical inhibition effectiveness at the bottom of the well.


  • Detailed quarterly reports and an annual summary to provide a comprehensive overview of system performance and compliance.

By combining advanced monitoring techniques with detailed reporting, we help geothermal operators maintain efficiency, ensure compliance, and extend the lifespan of their systems. Contact us today to schedule your periodic hydrothermal monitoring!